Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by silentHero » Mon Oct 11, 2021 8:05 pm

Hello! I am a person who liked to read homestuck in high school.

At the end of 2011 was my entrance into the fandom. It felt so new and uncomfortable, but I quickly met a group of friends and it brought us a lot closer. Though I speak to very (very) few of them, I still appreciate what MSPA (and Hussie) were able to do for us in high school. I did not cosplay or anything, but it was still very important to me.

Now I am a few years post-graduated from college and thinking of returning after the community has settled to just the long haulers.
Hello to you, out there! :pleasant:

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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by itsyaboybigBerd » Tue Oct 12, 2021 1:49 am

Whattup y'all! I go by the name Berd, also known on the internet as 2xN, gvt. name Edward Benn. I'm kinda an oldhead comparatively, started reading at some point during the time act 6 was in progress, but this is my first actual introduction to the community. I even stopped reading during the gigapause and came back a few years ago to finish the story. Didn't read the epilogues, but I plan on it. Clear to see forum culture is dying out fast, but I wanna give this a try. Do it for the fandom.

Otherwise I'm also a One Piece fan, a Starcraft player (probably the only one in the center circle of this particular venn diagram though), a chef by trade, And big into music(mostly hip-hop or anything with a guitar, but my car radio is almost always on a classical/jazz station when I'm listening to FM.) The music in HS is what really got me hooked, but I love the story and the art is great too. Something about pieces like Explore, Sburban Jungle, and Descend, and so many other songs just punched me in the heart on my first time reading. I even made a rap cover of Black (it's here, but pretty cringey, like there are some lines that sound like I straight up ripped them off Canibus) My biggest gripe with the death of Flash is that if I watch [S] Enter, the bridge of the song where the synth plays the "sburban riff" and it lines up perfectly with the falling of the raindrops into the puddle showing Rose's reflection. Seeing it on Youtube really made those couple of seconds fall hard on my "favorite moments in Homestuck" list.

Anyway I'm rambling like a m'f right now, I can't wait to share my opinions 'n' shit with you guys, clearly. Great to be here.

P.S. Terezi owns

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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by homesticky » Tue Apr 26, 2022 1:53 pm

i will probably go by they/them pronouns for a lot of the time. i read homestuck recently. i like minecraft, (digital) art-making, and other stuff. i love-hate most fandoms i'm in. i hope to make the internet a better place :pleasant:

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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by insanityIncarnate » Sat May 28, 2022 7:42 pm

Hey all. It's good to be back.
I'm a bit more mature than when I'd vote myself out of every mafia game in the good ol days of 2010. ^^

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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by Galactic_Warrior » Thu Sep 15, 2022 2:10 pm

Sup, the name is Galactic_Warrior and I read Homestuck in late October last year.
And by the way, Naides. Image
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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by qzvk » Sat Sep 24, 2022 9:16 pm

whats up everyone! started reading homestuck in like 2013 but got distracted and stopped, only finished it about a couple months ago :P. I do a lotta programming and music, enjoying hs, deltarune and ultrakill at the moment. its nice to get back onto a forum :]

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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by Yaboypopiicorn » Wed Sep 28, 2022 1:14 am

Hello hi howdy!!
I'm Ollie or Oliver, and I am the host of a DID system!
We really like Homestuck, along with a select few other fandoms (Minecraft, South park, Sally Face, Musicals..)
We love to make new friends but can sometimes disappear because of home life. We are pretty reachable through email and google chats though :)
Please don't ever feel too intimidated or nervous to talk, we love to have stuff to do lol, and we are almost never busy.

That said, have a good day/ night!! :mutie:

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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by chattykatty » Tue Oct 18, 2022 2:22 am

HI! My names Posie, but my online tagline is Chatty Katty. I joined the fandom way back in 2013, and i've been coming back to it for years. one could say it's a special interest of mine! I've been knee deep in Troll Studies as i call it for years now, and have worked on several different things for Alturnia and it's culture, from holidays aside from what's mentioned to possible other religions aside from the Mirthful Messiah. I'd love to share with you all. :pleasant:

i've read the comic about 3 times since and I like to voice act. my Feferi is pretty good :kitty:

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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by OppositeKeith » Sun Nov 20, 2022 5:08 am

hey the names keith, at least thats the nickname i give myself. i enjoy listening to a variety of music and draw whatever comes out of my head although i havent drawn anything homestuck related yet. that will probably change in the future. happy to be here.

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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by arcaneAnthropos » Wed Nov 30, 2022 12:01 pm

hai!! :apple:
i'm arcaneAnthropos, and i'm excited to join the forums! i love art, cosplay, music, and i'm currently working on a lot of HS related projects and have a ton of fantrolls ^_^. i started reading homestuck on 413, 2019!
i post my art on my tumblr,, and i'll probably be active in analytical and interest-based threads. glad to meet you all!

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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by eidolonYaldabaoth » Wed Dec 28, 2022 10:29 pm

Last edited by eidolonYaldabaoth on Sat Aug 03, 2024 9:12 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by bluebwerry413 » Mon Jan 02, 2023 11:39 am

(i accidentally posted my first intro in the wrong thread so i hope this one goes better Xp)

My name's zed, but u can call me blue!

i was too young to properly read homestuck when it first came out, but i grew up with it as my older cousin would babysit me while also reading homestuck, writing fanfic for it, and even cosplay sometimes, eventually once i got old enough i decided that i might just kick the bucket (hah) and read it! now it's one of my favorite comics.

my fav charecrer's terezi, my otp is rosemary, and i rlly can't wait to meet you all!!! :orange:

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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by shelby_rosary » Sat Jan 14, 2023 12:46 am

Hello there! My name's Shelby. I first properly read Homestuck in 2016 and managed to catch up to the latest page just days before [S] Collide dropped, though I was a fan* well before that. I make a comic called Complete Idiocy, which you can find the link to in my signature. I heavily enjoy the MSPA-style of comics, and I love making them, even if my previous attempts haven't gone as far as I'd hoped.

On the subject of Complete Idiocy, this was an adventure I've had bouncing around in my noggin ever since I finished homestuck, so these little guys have had quite some time to sit and stew in my brain juices.

*I watched Homestuck comic and ask blog dubs on YouTube obsessively and, even though I really wanted to, I never really read it, mostly because my brothers and my mom didn't want me to. I DID actually start reading it at one point, but I got as far as [S] YOU THERE. BOY. before I told my brother I'd read it and he'd told me to stop.
The Comicfuck of Complete Idiocy :olliesouty:

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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by kittenzilla » Fri Jan 20, 2023 7:55 pm

hello everybody!! i am cat/nep and im currently 18 years old. i started reading homestuck back in late 2019-early 2020, and have been in the fandom ever since then!
aside from homestuck, my interests include the elder scrolls, grand strategy games, roleplay, warrior cats, and mewsic. ive been wanting to get back into cosplay but my roommates are around so much that i dont get to do a whole lot unfortunately :'33

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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by Lord Spooky » Mon Feb 13, 2023 12:27 am

hi there, I'm Lord Spooky (Spooky for short!). I first fully read homestuck back around the time act seven dropped back in 2016, and I've enjoyed it ever since, occasionally going back and rereading it before jumping back into the fandom for a bit after. I find I gravitate towards things related to the intermission, more specifically the midnight crew. love those guys and all of their Problem Sleuth-esque charm.

my usual non-homestuck activities include drawing original characters and then never remembering to post them anywhere, but I also have a few homestuck ocs that I might show off if I get the courage. outside of Homestuck and OCs, I enjoy writing, drawing, animation, and video games like UT/DR and The Stanley Parable.
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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by candleWick » Mon Feb 20, 2023 4:53 pm

Heyo, e'rybody. My name's Wick. I read homestuck for the first time back in 2020/21. Fuckin loved it. I'm a bit of an art addict. Make a few fanadventures. Writer too. Never formally introduced myself so i'm doing it now.
:olliesouty: womp womp

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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by Lazyphobia » Tue Mar 28, 2023 8:55 pm

Hello, I go by the name Lazy/Lazyphobia. I enjoy Homestuck and occasionally create art whenever the mood strikes. Around 2018 or 2019, I discovered Homestuck, and ever since, I've loved it and its fandom. I decided to join this forum to look for more conversation relating to Homestuck and other works by Andrew Hussie.

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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by cataclysmicCacophony » Tue Apr 18, 2023 6:49 pm

Hey there. I'm Ibis.

I read Homestuck in seven days, about a year ago. I generally devour media in random spurts of binge-watching. Reading HS in a week wasn't exactly the best way to consume the five-course meal, but of course I devoured it without much of a second thought. Well, okay, saying there were NO second thoughts might be a bit of a lie. I have considered re-reading HS, but honestly I'm not sure I could do it at this point. Four-ish months ago I read the epilogues, and then what currently is present for HS^2. Not really sure what to say about them.

I like HS.

I guess I draw, write, make a little music(though I haven't completed anything), and a year or two ago I animated(though I still do short GIFs sometimes). I also tend to code in my free time for fun, or attempt to make myself a website before realizing I have no idea what I want to put on it. I enjoy talking to people a lot.

Wacky introduction complete. See ya.
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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by hexia » Mon May 08, 2023 3:18 am

:kitty: hey there, I’m Lulu but go by Hexia online. I’m 15, and I’m currently experimenting with veadotube. I am in wayyy too many fandoms to keep track of, but I mainly like fnaf, omori, psx lain, and hs. In my free time, I’m busy drawing digitally, eating, gaming, and watching Phisnom vods. I’m also new to this forum thing and this might be my only post ever x3
:kitty: that’s all I have to say… for now. I shall continue lurking. :kitty:

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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by LUCKPOSTER » Wed Jun 07, 2023 12:55 pm

Hi! I'm Rashka, or LUCKPOSTER. I've been an on and off Homestuck fan since 2015, but recently my appreciation for it has come back really deeply and I'm looking to engage with the remaining fandom. I'm 21 years old, I'm a Derse Prince of Light, and I have an ongoing mspfa since the 25th of May (It's called Unstuck and the link is in my signature).
My favorite game is Kid Icarus: Uprising and my favorite part of Homestuck is the post-coital scene in Meat in John's dad's car.
Read my fancomic Unstuck at

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