You are now this guy.

And, you must admit . . .
You're a little bit confused.
You don't recall falling asleep to the slumber world in a barren void. As a matter of fact; you're rather sure you don't know a white void of any sort. . .
And yet, here you lay. You guess there's always time to experience new things.
==> Get Up.

With a raise of your wonderfully painted and greatly articulated legs, you are now as up as up can up. And that's a lot of up.
Your eyes adjust to the blinding white of the void around you. It would be a bit easier to get focused if your they weren't so oversized. But that's the price you pay for having huge eyes.
There's the sneaking suspicion that whatever higher power decided to give you such eyes is snickering to themselves at your predicament.
How rude.
At least you aren't alone in your eyesight. There seems to be a rather large eye installed directly above that door right in front of you. With the presence of objects in this White Place, you suppose it's not really a void.
More a Whitescape.
But to be specific helps no one.
You ought to find out what to do in a situation like this . . .
If ONLY. There was something to command your passive self about the Whitescape.