Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
- rookie1978
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
[AA]:I don't mean t'insight no revolutionary values, here, of course.
[AA]:That'd be silly. There ain't no revolutionizin' here.
[AA]:That'd be silly. There ain't no revolutionizin' here.

- lml55
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
WS:yeah as much as I disagree with the hemospectrum it's not like I'd rebel but any way got to sleep in my recipicoon(yes I'm a human who sleeps in a recipicoon and I use trollian instead of whatever my kind uses but I was raised here so deal with it if you want to judge talk to ASS)
- Oddhi
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
[PC]: ;'w;ll'c^nt;nUee't^'jUdgee'@s';'st;ll'h@vee'n^'g^dd@mn'clUee'wh@t'thee'heell'@'hUm@n';s.
- livingNingyo
- Posts: 71
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
[LN]: a human On a pLace Like this
[LN]: that is a funny jOke
[LN]: ha ha
[LN]: that is a funny jOke
[LN]: ha ha
For you are true and destined prince 
And my sword is by your side
I will fight for you in glory until I die
And my sword is by your side
I will fight for you in glory until I die
- finallyDeme
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
phantomGenericity joined the chat.
PG: [-] hey guys [-]
PG: [-] hey guys [-]
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- Nep
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
contumaciousHighbinder [CH] joined the chat
Some time would pass before the bronzeblood would answer, clearly annoyed and angry. The guy was clearly irritable.
CH: fucking h3ll wha7 7h3 fuck did happ3n in 7his ins7an7
CH: WS I don'7 fucking car3 if Your3 an imb3cil3 oliv3 rol3plaYing or som37hing 3quallY as s7upid as on3 of Your in3xis73n7 ocs
CH: goddamn You s7upid oliv3s and Your shi77Y rol3plaYing mucking up 7h3 cha7rooms
CH: and as for 7h3 r3s7 of You
CH: fucking bravo for driving awaY a po73n7ial cli3n7
CH: c3as3 7h3s3 moronic and s7upid 7alks of id3as 7ha7 shouldn'7 b3 brough7 up in an op3n cha7 lik3 7his
CH: b3caus3 r3gardl3ss if 7h3 3mpr3ss isn'7 moni7oring or no7 im sur3 as fucking h3ll 7ha7 7h3 dron3s ar3 fucking moni7oring
CH: no7 m3 7hough i don7 hav3 anY7hing 7o b3 afraid jackshi7 of b3caus3 unlik3 You imb3cil3s im ac7uallY b3hind
7 proxi3s lik3 a prof3ssional
CH: so i 7ak3 pi7Y on You all fu7ur3 7o b3 cull33s for b3ing car3l3ss
CH: if anY of You fucking liv3 7hrough i7 i migh7 giv3 You a discoun7 on mY war3s... 7ha7 is if You 3v3n fucking liv3 hahahahah
CH: bu7 firs7 ord3r of s3rvic3 of 7h3 daY is... 7his.
woodenSwordsman's [WS'S] computer exploded via rabid barkbeast attack.
CH: now 7ha7 7h3 dumb fancY orang3 blood hiding dumbass is gon3
CH: PC You n33d a b3773r quirk i can bar3lY r3ad 7h3 pi3c3 shi7 quirk You hav3 righ7 now
CH: j3gus fucking chris7
Some time would pass before the bronzeblood would answer, clearly annoyed and angry. The guy was clearly irritable.
CH: fucking h3ll wha7 7h3 fuck did happ3n in 7his ins7an7
CH: WS I don'7 fucking car3 if Your3 an imb3cil3 oliv3 rol3plaYing or som37hing 3quallY as s7upid as on3 of Your in3xis73n7 ocs
CH: goddamn You s7upid oliv3s and Your shi77Y rol3plaYing mucking up 7h3 cha7rooms
CH: and as for 7h3 r3s7 of You
CH: fucking bravo for driving awaY a po73n7ial cli3n7
CH: c3as3 7h3s3 moronic and s7upid 7alks of id3as 7ha7 shouldn'7 b3 brough7 up in an op3n cha7 lik3 7his
CH: b3caus3 r3gardl3ss if 7h3 3mpr3ss isn'7 moni7oring or no7 im sur3 as fucking h3ll 7ha7 7h3 dron3s ar3 fucking moni7oring
CH: no7 m3 7hough i don7 hav3 anY7hing 7o b3 afraid jackshi7 of b3caus3 unlik3 You imb3cil3s im ac7uallY b3hind
7 proxi3s lik3 a prof3ssional
CH: so i 7ak3 pi7Y on You all fu7ur3 7o b3 cull33s for b3ing car3l3ss
CH: if anY of You fucking liv3 7hrough i7 i migh7 giv3 You a discoun7 on mY war3s... 7ha7 is if You 3v3n fucking liv3 hahahahah
CH: bu7 firs7 ord3r of s3rvic3 of 7h3 daY is... 7his.
woodenSwordsman's [WS'S] computer exploded via rabid barkbeast attack.
CH: now 7ha7 7h3 dumb fancY orang3 blood hiding dumbass is gon3
CH: PC You n33d a b3773r quirk i can bar3lY r3ad 7h3 pi3c3 shi7 quirk You hav3 righ7 now
CH: j3gus fucking chris7
Forum's Certified Nep.
|| Rogue of Heart

- finallyDeme
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
PG: [!] jesus christ man calm the fuck down [!]
PG: [!] like seriously [!]
PG: [=] anyway how is everyone [=]
PG: [=] since we're all dying to get away from this horrible encounter [=]
PG: [!] like seriously [!]
PG: [=] anyway how is everyone [=]
PG: [=] since we're all dying to get away from this horrible encounter [=]
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- Nep
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
CH: chilling ou7 a7 7h3 mom3n7
CH: also curr3n7lY wai7ing for som3 m3rchandis3
CH: a guYs go77a g37 3nough cash 7o liv3 and shi7 lik3 7ha7
CH: so id saY 7hings ar3 going 3xc3ll3n7 in 7h3ir own waY
CH: also curr3n7lY looking for som3on3 7o s3ll som3 ch3ap copi3s of gam3 grub 7o
CH: also curr3n7lY wai7ing for som3 m3rchandis3
CH: a guYs go77a g37 3nough cash 7o liv3 and shi7 lik3 7ha7
CH: so id saY 7hings ar3 going 3xc3ll3n7 in 7h3ir own waY
CH: also curr3n7lY looking for som3on3 7o s3ll som3 ch3ap copi3s of gam3 grub 7o
Forum's Certified Nep.
|| Rogue of Heart

- finallyDeme
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
PG: [=!] game grub? uh, no thanks [!=]
PG: [-] i prefer to read space magazines [-]
PG: [-] and game grub both has nothing to do with space and it sucks [-]
PG: [-] i prefer to read space magazines [-]
PG: [-] and game grub both has nothing to do with space and it sucks [-]
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- rookie1978
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
[AA]: Well, game'n'grubbler are the superior magazine of choice when it comes t'these typa things, here.
[AA]: At least, as far as i'm concerned. Or know.
[AA]: W'don't get much'a nothin' out here. No mail, no packages, no places deliver.. it's a quiet livin' this far away from the major cities.
[AA]: I always got y'all all here to keep m'some comp'ny, though.
[AA]: At least, as far as i'm concerned. Or know.
[AA]: W'don't get much'a nothin' out here. No mail, no packages, no places deliver.. it's a quiet livin' this far away from the major cities.
[AA]: I always got y'all all here to keep m'some comp'ny, though.

- finallyDeme
- Posts: 143
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
PG: [-] sure i guess [-]
PG: [?] seen any new good video games [?]
PG: [?] seen any new good video games [?]
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- livingNingyo
- Posts: 71
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
[LN]: just waiting fOr Lusus junctiOn tO cOme Out
[LN]: and i envy eastern aLternia
[LN]: their game magazines are much mOre engaging with fans
[LN]: just a bitch tO pay frOm here
[LN]: and i envy eastern aLternia
[LN]: their game magazines are much mOre engaging with fans
[LN]: just a bitch tO pay frOm here
For you are true and destined prince 
And my sword is by your side
I will fight for you in glory until I die
And my sword is by your side
I will fight for you in glory until I die
- finallyDeme
- Posts: 143
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
PG: [?] lusus junction huh [?}
PG: [!] whats it about [!]
PG: [!] whats it about [!]
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- finallyDeme
- Posts: 143
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
PG: [?!] i'm honestly flattered but who the fuck are you [?!]
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- livingNingyo
- Posts: 71
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- Moon: Derse
Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
[LN]: pg
[LN]: it is abOut an aLien whO LanDs On a pLanet
[LN]: which are fuLL Of Lusii
[LN]: yOu are the ruLer Of their pLanet whO shaLL heLp guiDe them anD gain their trust
[LN]: asiDe frOm that racOOn barkbeast which yOu neeD to pay a Debt
[LN]: it is a nice
[LN]: reLaxing game
(( OOC: Troll Animal Crossing ))
[LN]: it is abOut an aLien whO LanDs On a pLanet
[LN]: which are fuLL Of Lusii
[LN]: yOu are the ruLer Of their pLanet whO shaLL heLp guiDe them anD gain their trust
[LN]: asiDe frOm that racOOn barkbeast which yOu neeD to pay a Debt
[LN]: it is a nice
[LN]: reLaxing game
(( OOC: Troll Animal Crossing ))
For you are true and destined prince 
And my sword is by your side
I will fight for you in glory until I die
And my sword is by your side
I will fight for you in glory until I die
- lml55
- Posts: 60
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
WS: ok first of all who FUCKED up my computer over simple species SHIT oh yeah it was FUCKING contumaciousHighbinder so yeah i get i'm a quote on quote inferior species but for FUCKS sake you don't need to rant like a grub when they can't have another slice of a flavor disk so yeah i'm a FUCKING human deal with it
contumaciousHighbinder computer exploded due to all the uppercase swearing that WoodenSwordsman does for his typing quirk
contumaciousHighbinder computer exploded due to all the uppercase swearing that WoodenSwordsman does for his typing quirk
- lml55
- Posts: 60
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
WS: pay back BITCH
- Nep
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
His computer didn't even explode anyway. He was already behind 7 proxies anyway and it just happened to blow up some random fuckers pc in some remote place in alternia whose ip coincides with the proxy. How cute and naive, thought he's a bit unsurprised. The attempt was laughably pathetic as he knows enough about these kind of things and yet the attempt was totally grub tier shit.
CH: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! holY shi7 You r3allY ar3 a dumb imb3cil3!
CH: hav3 You 3v3r h3ard of proxi3s, grubl37? I gu3ss no7. whil3 7h3 m3ssag3 do3s saY i7 bl3w up a compu73r, in r3ali7Y You bl3w up som3on3's 3ls3 husk7op.
CH:im surpris3d som3on3 wi7h a 7hinkpan of Your calib3r hasn'7 b33n cull3d Y37, 3sp3ciallY if said 7hinkpan is damag3d and minuscul3.
CH: go crY 7o Your dumb lusus and 7rip Your n3ck on 7h3 waY 7h3r3 You shi7-3a7ing pupa of a dumbass oliv3 rol3plaY3r.
-- contumaciousHighbinder [CH] changed his mood to ECSTATIC
CH: maYb3 I should giv3 You som3 inc3n7iv3 7o g37 Your dumbass ou7 of h3r3, s7upid orang3 73x73d fool.
CH: maYb3 7h3n You'll hav3 l3arn3d Your l3sson 7o no7 b3 such a pupa.
woodenSwordsman's [WS'S] grubphone exploded via nightscreecher soundwaves.
CH: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! holY shi7 You r3allY ar3 a dumb imb3cil3!
CH: hav3 You 3v3r h3ard of proxi3s, grubl37? I gu3ss no7. whil3 7h3 m3ssag3 do3s saY i7 bl3w up a compu73r, in r3ali7Y You bl3w up som3on3's 3ls3 husk7op.
CH:im surpris3d som3on3 wi7h a 7hinkpan of Your calib3r hasn'7 b33n cull3d Y37, 3sp3ciallY if said 7hinkpan is damag3d and minuscul3.
CH: go crY 7o Your dumb lusus and 7rip Your n3ck on 7h3 waY 7h3r3 You shi7-3a7ing pupa of a dumbass oliv3 rol3plaY3r.
-- contumaciousHighbinder [CH] changed his mood to ECSTATIC

CH: maYb3 I should giv3 You som3 inc3n7iv3 7o g37 Your dumbass ou7 of h3r3, s7upid orang3 73x73d fool.
CH: maYb3 7h3n You'll hav3 l3arn3d Your l3sson 7o no7 b3 such a pupa.
woodenSwordsman's [WS'S] grubphone exploded via nightscreecher soundwaves.
Forum's Certified Nep.
|| Rogue of Heart

- rookie1978
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
[AA]: I, er,
[AA]: I'd like, to, er, coincede, here, that,
[AA]: I in no part, how-sowhatever, have nothin' anythin' to do at 'tall,
[AA]: with all this here computer 'plodin 'n such.
[AA]: In fact, I think I have even less to do with it. Than ever'un else here.
[AA]: For I have, never ever, exploded a 'puter before.
[AA]: In fact, I don't even know how.
[AA]: I do not advocate, for, uh...
[AA]: Continued hacks, explosions, or any kind of, uh...
[AA]: Techno-violence.
[AA]: Techno-violence is officially banned from the chatroom.
[AA]: No more... explodin'. Thank y'all.
[AA]: I mean, explosions 'r fine.
[AA]: I actually quite like explodin' things.
[AA]: But not other people's things, here, now.
[AA]: 'Cuz that's just.. rootin' tootin' mean, ain't it.
[AA]: I mean, unless someone really deserves to get their things exploded.
[AA]: But, uh, I am not, the moral.. guardian... decider? I do not..
[AA]: I do not make, nor write, the morals.
[AA]: So I cannot decide. This here morals. I think.
[AA]: Wait, so techno-violence is allowed... if the other person deserved it?
[AA]: Well, who gets to decide who deserves what kind of explodin' 'round here?
[AA]: I mean, me, I guess. But I ain't very well versed in moral conundrums.
[AA]: Do we put it to a community vote or somethin'? Before or after it happens?
[AA]: I mean, if it happens? Again? This is the first time i've seen someone explode someone elses computation device online through the internet here.
[AA]: Its, uh, a conundrum, yeah.
[AA]: I'm gonna go brew me some tea, and ruminate over the recent happ'nins in this here chat.
[AA]: Please play nice with eachother. There's enough meanness on the streets. Don't need to bring that out here, too, in the mighty, vast internet we gots here.
[AA]: I'd like, to, er, coincede, here, that,
[AA]: I in no part, how-sowhatever, have nothin' anythin' to do at 'tall,
[AA]: with all this here computer 'plodin 'n such.
[AA]: In fact, I think I have even less to do with it. Than ever'un else here.
[AA]: For I have, never ever, exploded a 'puter before.
[AA]: In fact, I don't even know how.
[AA]: I do not advocate, for, uh...
[AA]: Continued hacks, explosions, or any kind of, uh...
[AA]: Techno-violence.
[AA]: Techno-violence is officially banned from the chatroom.
[AA]: No more... explodin'. Thank y'all.
[AA]: I mean, explosions 'r fine.
[AA]: I actually quite like explodin' things.
[AA]: But not other people's things, here, now.
[AA]: 'Cuz that's just.. rootin' tootin' mean, ain't it.
[AA]: I mean, unless someone really deserves to get their things exploded.
[AA]: But, uh, I am not, the moral.. guardian... decider? I do not..
[AA]: I do not make, nor write, the morals.
[AA]: So I cannot decide. This here morals. I think.
[AA]: Wait, so techno-violence is allowed... if the other person deserved it?
[AA]: Well, who gets to decide who deserves what kind of explodin' 'round here?
[AA]: I mean, me, I guess. But I ain't very well versed in moral conundrums.
[AA]: Do we put it to a community vote or somethin'? Before or after it happens?
[AA]: I mean, if it happens? Again? This is the first time i've seen someone explode someone elses computation device online through the internet here.
[AA]: Its, uh, a conundrum, yeah.
[AA]: I'm gonna go brew me some tea, and ruminate over the recent happ'nins in this here chat.
[AA]: Please play nice with eachother. There's enough meanness on the streets. Don't need to bring that out here, too, in the mighty, vast internet we gots here.