Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
- lml55
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
WS: good point
WS:anyway so have you guys heard of sburb and that CRAP
WS:anyway so have you guys heard of sburb and that CRAP
- finallyDeme
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
[PG], then figuring out how contumaciousHighbinder's system worked, proceeded to find out where he lived, wired a transportalizer to there, transportalized there, and proceeded to beat the shit out of contumaciousHighbinder. Of course, this happened off-screen, so only PG and CH knew about it.
[PG]: [=!=] back [=!=]
(( tell me if thats too op ))
[PG]: [=!=] back [=!=]
(( tell me if thats too op ))
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- bathtimebird
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat

SB: / have been visited by the terror of the night...\
SB: /...your body runs cold with the fear of death...\
SB: / try to run, but it is too late...\
SB: \Now cower, before you take your last breath!/
SB: /...\
SB: /...that's a poem i wrote...\
SB: /...sounds cool doesn't it...\
SB: /...i thought it would have been too scary for trollian...\
- finallyDeme
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
[PG]: [-] nice dude [-]
[PG]: [-] i like the overall ominousness [-]
[PG]: [-] i like the overall ominousness [-]
Read Regionlocked on mspfa!
- bathtimebird
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
SB: /\
SB: /'re the first person to ever compliment my work...\
SB: / must truly appreciate what i appreciate...\
SB: / you like vampires...\
SB: /'re the first person to ever compliment my work...\
SB: / must truly appreciate what i appreciate...\
SB: / you like vampires...\
- Nep
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
(( for the record that's a bit too op. I'll let u beat him up but at least have it take an hour or two or smthing for you to get his destination, so while you're setting it up chat in the meanwhile but don't tell anyone what ur doing.))finallyDeme wrote: ↑Sun Dec 29, 2019 5:00 pm[PG], then figuring out how contumaciousHighbinder's system worked, proceeded to find out where he lived, wired a transportalizer to there, transportalized there, and proceeded to beat the shit out of contumaciousHighbinder. Of course, this happened off-screen, so only PG and CH knew about it.
[PG]: [=!=] back [=!=]
(( tell me if thats too op ))
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- finallyDeme
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- Nep
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
CH: gr337ings highblood, kick back and ignor3 7h3 small 7hinkpann3d drooling imb3cil3 wi7h orang3 73x7. I hav3 mY suspicions i7s an annoYing oliv3 whos simplY bu77hur7 7ha7 7his isn7 a plac3 for 7h3ir shi77Y rol3plaYing and 7alking abou7 fic7ional gam3s.
CH: as for Your o7h3r qu3s7ion abou7 7hos3 who f33d on blood, I suppos3 You m3an7 rainbow drink3rs. im n3u7ral on 7h3m.
CH: as long 7h3Y paY 7h3ir du3 in mon3Y i could car3 l3ss.
CH: You should b3 fin3 as long as You don7 piss m3 off wi7h anY7hing s7upid 7hough, unlik3 shi7 3a7ing WS h3r3 wi7h his moronic rol3plaYing.
CH: as for Your o7h3r qu3s7ion abou7 7hos3 who f33d on blood, I suppos3 You m3an7 rainbow drink3rs. im n3u7ral on 7h3m.
CH: as long 7h3Y paY 7h3ir du3 in mon3Y i could car3 l3ss.
CH: You should b3 fin3 as long as You don7 piss m3 off wi7h anY7hing s7upid 7hough, unlik3 shi7 3a7ing WS h3r3 wi7h his moronic rol3plaYing.
Forum's Certified Nep.
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- bathtimebird
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
SB: /...i don't understand...\
SB: /...what's a rainbow drinker...\
SB: /...what's a rainbow drinker...\
- Nep
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
CH: fancY word for vampir3s. som3 jad3 cam3 up wi7h i7 or som3 shi7, don'7 ask m3 abou7 7h3 73rm.
CH: Youd hav3 b3773r luck asking a jad3 abou7 wha7s on3 ins73ad m3, i jus7 s3ll s7uff dud3.
CH: i hav3 7h3 b3s7 war3s in mY curr3n7 loca7ion anYwaY, shopk33p3r and wha7no7.
CH: i g37 a h3lla bunch of cus7om3rs 3v3rY daY wi7h 7h3ir grubbY hands on mY m3rchandis3, bu7 can You do 3v3rYon3 jus7 lik3s p3nding 7h3ir cash.
CH: Youd hav3 b3773r luck asking a jad3 abou7 wha7s on3 ins73ad m3, i jus7 s3ll s7uff dud3.
CH: i hav3 7h3 b3s7 war3s in mY curr3n7 loca7ion anYwaY, shopk33p3r and wha7no7.
CH: i g37 a h3lla bunch of cus7om3rs 3v3rY daY wi7h 7h3ir grubbY hands on mY m3rchandis3, bu7 can You do 3v3rYon3 jus7 lik3s p3nding 7h3ir cash.
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- rookie1978
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
[AA]: Wow, geez'n'crackers!
[AA]: We got ourselves a bona-fide fang'man over here.
[AA]: A real catawampus, this is.
[AA]: Puts me in a real higgledy-piggledy.
[AA]: I mean. I ain't scared of no.. vam paire, nor no ran-ee-bow drinkler.
[AA]: No siree.
[AA]: Not at'tall.
[AA]: I mean, sometimes I do hear me some strange noises outside this here ranchhive.
[AA]: And I HAVE in fact hid myself under 'neath m' blankies before.
[AA]: In a futile attempt to disguise myself from whatever nasty critters'r'creatures may or may not be outside.
[AA]: But I was not scared.
[AA]: In fact, it was merely a.. tactical decision. To cover myself.
[AA]: That way, if they got inside, or broke in'tuh m' house here, they wouldn't know I was there.
[AA]: N' I could just.. pop out 'n blast 'em if they get close. With m' barkin' irons. They wouldn't expect it. BANG! Gone.
[AA]: So no matter how many chills y'r lil' poem done provoked in me..
[AA]: Ah can say with one hundo-percent certin'ty that I am not, nor will I be futurely, scared.
[AA]: We got ourselves a bona-fide fang'man over here.
[AA]: A real catawampus, this is.
[AA]: Puts me in a real higgledy-piggledy.
[AA]: I mean. I ain't scared of no.. vam paire, nor no ran-ee-bow drinkler.
[AA]: No siree.
[AA]: Not at'tall.
[AA]: I mean, sometimes I do hear me some strange noises outside this here ranchhive.
[AA]: And I HAVE in fact hid myself under 'neath m' blankies before.
[AA]: In a futile attempt to disguise myself from whatever nasty critters'r'creatures may or may not be outside.
[AA]: But I was not scared.
[AA]: In fact, it was merely a.. tactical decision. To cover myself.
[AA]: That way, if they got inside, or broke in'tuh m' house here, they wouldn't know I was there.
[AA]: N' I could just.. pop out 'n blast 'em if they get close. With m' barkin' irons. They wouldn't expect it. BANG! Gone.
[AA]: So no matter how many chills y'r lil' poem done provoked in me..
[AA]: Ah can say with one hundo-percent certin'ty that I am not, nor will I be futurely, scared.

- bathtimebird
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
SB: /...i thought they were called vampires...\
SB: /...what's a rainbow anyway...\
SB: /...another word for blood...?\
SB: /...anyway...\
SB: /...i'm not interested in buying things...\
SB: /...want to see this cool vampire i saved..?\
supremeBatchild[SB] has attached a file. Click to view.

SB: /...what's a rainbow anyway...\
SB: /...another word for blood...?\
SB: /...anyway...\
SB: /...i'm not interested in buying things...\
SB: /...want to see this cool vampire i saved..?\
supremeBatchild[SB] has attached a file. Click to view.

- rookie1978
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- bathtimebird
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
SB: /...he left...\
SB: /...they always leave when i post one...\
SB: /...has no one ever seen a vampire before...?\
SB: /...they always leave when i post one...\
SB: /...has no one ever seen a vampire before...?\
- Nep
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
CH: 7ch and 7h3 so call3d ranch3r who claims 7o hav3 a spin3 s33ms 7o b3 afraid of mons73rs 7ha7 don7 3xis7, i was 3xp3c7ing 7h3 cha7room c7r3a7or 7o hav3 som3 mor3 spin3.
CH: 7ru7h b3 7old i n3v3r hav3, al7hough 7h3r3 maY b3 ar7ifac7s according 7o a con7ac7 of min3 proving 7h3ir 3xis73nc3.
CH: 7h3 guY You s3n7 is qui73 in7imida7ing.
CH: bu7 I can7 saY iv3 3v3r s33n 7his or h3ard of i7, i onlY hav3 limi73d informa7ion on such 7opics. word of s7r337s do3sn7 go far wi7h fc7ional s7uff lik3 7ha7 SB.
CH: 7ru7h b3 7old i n3v3r hav3, al7hough 7h3r3 maY b3 ar7ifac7s according 7o a con7ac7 of min3 proving 7h3ir 3xis73nc3.
CH: 7h3 guY You s3n7 is qui73 in7imida7ing.
CH: bu7 I can7 saY iv3 3v3r s33n 7his or h3ard of i7, i onlY hav3 limi73d informa7ion on such 7opics. word of s7r337s do3sn7 go far wi7h fc7ional s7uff lik3 7ha7 SB.
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- livingNingyo
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
[LN]: it is such a haunting and beautifuL pOem sb
[LN]: i can feeL the threat anD terrOr it invOkes
[LN]: have yOu thOught Of pubLishing it as a tOme
[LN]: i wOuLD buy them
[LN]: i can feeL the threat anD terrOr it invOkes
[LN]: have yOu thOught Of pubLishing it as a tOme
[LN]: i wOuLD buy them
For you are true and destined prince 
And my sword is by your side
I will fight for you in glory until I die
And my sword is by your side
I will fight for you in glory until I die
- bathtimebird
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
SB: /...they aren't fictional...\
SB: /...they're real...\
SB: /...i know... because my ancestor was a vampire...\
SB: \And so am I!/

((This isn't an attachement, fyi.))
SB: /...they're real...\
SB: /...i know... because my ancestor was a vampire...\
SB: \And so am I!/

((This isn't an attachement, fyi.))
- rookie1978
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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
agonisticAcerous[AA] has joined the chat.
[AA]: Sorry.
[AA]: I.. spilled tea on the keyboard.
[AA]: Sorry.
[AA]: I.. spilled tea on the keyboard.

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Re: Open Trollian Multi-User Chat
amiableSeamstress [/list] has joined the chat!
[AS] W3ll hiy@ th3r3, y'@ll? S33m's I'v3 stumbl3d into @ group@ f3llow ch@ttin' p3opl3s! E:C
[AS] W3ll hiy@ th3r3, y'@ll? S33m's I'v3 stumbl3d into @ group@ f3llow ch@ttin' p3opl3s! E:C
- syrupsand
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