And you'd be right, because I wrote as much! I wasn't, and am not, trying to "start shit" here, only point out some stuff and give some of my opinions, is all. Like I wrote to chalupa, I don't have all the information, it would be foolish of me to make assumptions.Admittedly, a lot of these questions felt a bit rhetorical, like there wasn't really much to be stated with it. This isn't taking the piss out of you, but it does make reading these posts kind of hard to navigate in terms of where the actual point lies. Let it be known that I'm trying my best, here.
I will keep that in mind as I read, and I eagerly await any art shifts in the future, for reasons I already stated.Even Homestuck itself has a fluid art form, taking to Andrew's whims. Granted them being ANDREW'S whims is an important distinction, but within Homestuck itself these styles have been noted as being "symbolic renderings". It may very well be the case, that the use of this style falls under similar circumstances. That what we currently view the comic as is not how things ACTUALLY ARE, but how we are "meant to be seeing" them. But that choice wasn't made by you. It's something to consider moving forward.
For this, I'd like to say that that was not my intention (Homestuck and VE are, obviously, different, and I just wanted to point that out), and I wholly agree with what you wrote.Functionally, VE is not about the constant organic build when it comes to how its characters are presented and how beats of their stories play out, and if that isn't your cup of tea, that's more than fine. But the way you phrase it here makes it sound as though it's lesser to Homestuck in this capacity.
Lastly, and this one I won't use the quote function: "VE is a comic that is focused more on it's archival ends than it's serialized means. "
This one is something I got no opinion on, as I'm not a storyteller (yet), so I can't say which one is the better way to conduce one's story creation process. That written, I hope you the best in you're endeavors, Austin.