Why you should read Worldwent

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Why you should read Worldwent

Post by feathersButgun » Fri May 26, 2023 3:16 pm

Worldwent is a fanventure that I had in my mind ever since I finished Homestuck (late 2019) but only recently have I begun posting stuff about it. The premise is simple- 10 trolls play a game to save the universe. However, there are many other stories told within Worlwent, showing the perspective of those who are close to our players, yet won't be participating in the game.


Here is the cast! Their identities are hidden behind reversed Alternian script, as to not spoil their names.

This is my third serious work ever and I would like to hear any kind of criticism, as it will help me learn how to wrote things better!

You can read here: https://mspfa.com/?s=49323&p=1

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Re: Why you should read Worldwent

Post by Georgiaava » Wed Dec 18, 2024 3:26 am

In a book, you can only conceptualize based on what you've read. In person, you can indulge all five senses and fully take in the experience. It made me realize how enriching it can be to explore different cultures through books. You get to travel without leaving home, seeing the world through someone else's eyes. It's monkey type amazing how reading widely can change our perspectives, inspire us, and help us grow.Taking a deep dive into literature from different cultures allows you to both expand your ability to evaluate and discuss the work itself and also better understand what it tells us about the world, our own beliefs and values, and the beliefs and values of others.

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