How did you get introduced to Homestuck?
- loomingDoom
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Re: How did you get introduced to Homestuck?
I tried to get into Homestuck 3 time but the long chat logs put me off and how slow the intro is (I'm a sucker for action stories) that was until i discovered Voxus... yes i'm a filthy voxus homestuck fan XD
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Re: How did you get introduced to Homestuck?
My friend was the one to get me into Homestuck, and I've been a fan of it ever since. I use Pesterchum often and enjoy talking to my friends on there.
- NovaStirner
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Re: How did you get introduced to Homestuck?
Group of friends attempted (and kinda failed) to make a Homestuck club in our discord server and i eventually got interested in reading it and i thought to myself that hey, it'd be nice to have a thing to obsess over the first half of this year, so i decided to go with Homestuck. As it turns out, a fair amount of my peers really liked homestuck/were getting into homestuck around the same time as much and ever since then (feb 2021) its become my special interest and it'll probably remain that way

- Krabkat
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Re: How did you get introduced to Homestuck?
I knew about it for years with no interest of getting into it, back when it was huge. A friend of mine on Tumblr managed to convince me to start reading it in 2018 or so, and I read the first ~400 pages, starting at like 2 or 3 am that day (night?). I thought it was okay but kind of forgot about it until I randomly remembered that I'd never finished it in late November 2020. I've pretty much been obsessed since early December 2020.
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- rapturousBlasphemer
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Re: How did you get introduced to Homestuck?
I had like heard of it in like 2014 or around the time. Because yknow. It was the mid 2010s and I was a semi regular tumblr user. After a while I decided to check it out for some reason, forget why. Actually got a good bit in before I just dropped it for some reason. Kinda forgot about it for a few years until randomly last year the magic of the YouTube algorithm struck and just decided I wanted to watch Homestuck content reminding me of its existence and yeah. Ending up reading it all in about 3 months.

- mortiferousLathe
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Re: How did you get introduced to Homestuck?
My friend was reading this page in the middle of class in 2015 and laughing at it. He kept quoting it when talking to me and I asked what he was reading. All he would say was "Homestuck," and no matter how many times I asked what it was about, he would just tell me to read it for myself and find out. I had heard of Homestuck before on the internet, and I thought it was only about "the gray people with horns" (as I used to put it before reading it). It kind of annoyed me a bit to read hundreds of pages without any sign of the trolls anywhere (Jade and Rose are some of my favorite characters nowadays though), and I actually quit twice before finally hunkering down and reading it towards the end of 2016. I finished in about two months, and I got a small taste of what it was like to wait for updates before the main webcomic ended.

- candleWick
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Re: How did you get introduced to Homestuck?
Heard about it a bit online because i was in the UNDERTALE fandom for a while, then my sister started reading it and got me to read it and now i really love it! Now I'm reading Homestuck with my friend and he really likes it too. (As of posting this he's currently on Act 5, Act 2.)

- moonObssesed
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Re: How did you get introduced to Homestuck?
i was sucked in though a portal called broadway karkat
- aquaticFoxfire
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Re: How did you get introduced to Homestuck?
I guess I just found it one day. I was fixated on UNDERTALE dispite not being able to play it.
So I guess i just found Homestuck and read it because I could. (Unfortunately I couldn’t pass the one bit that was broken so I forgot about it for three years).
Then fast forward to summer 2020. I just thought about reading it again.
So far I turned out great!
So I guess i just found Homestuck and read it because I could. (Unfortunately I couldn’t pass the one bit that was broken so I forgot about it for three years).
Then fast forward to summer 2020. I just thought about reading it again.
So far I turned out great!
- zealousZombie
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Re: How did you get introduced to Homestuck?
So Basically
FuryForged Played Hiveswap
FuryForged Played Hiveswap
(Something Something Homestuck.
(Something Something Homestuck.

- Some-Girl
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Re: How did you get introduced to Homestuck?
my sibling started reading it and would not stop talking to me about it. I was not much of a reader at the time but then my bro showed me [S] Rex Duodecim Angelus and that pushed me to actually start reading it.
- TellTaleTypist
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Re: How did you get introduced to Homestuck?
My brother hounded me into reading it and then fell out of love with it pretty much right as I started getting really into it. Now it's 10 years later and I still can't shut up about it while couldn't care less about it lol.
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Re: How did you get introduced to Homestuck?
i dont really remember what it was, but i think it was this one video about a now lost media fancomic called "Be the lowblood seadweller". the song they used in the video was a cover of "Poor Unfortunate Souls". who did the cover? THE FUCKING JONAS BROTHERS (lighthearted)

- adorableGluttony
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Re: How did you get introduced to Homestuck?
Some guy on an autism support forum I used to frequent (yes I’m autistic) made a post mentioning his love/hate feelings towards Homestuck Trolls. I was curious about it so I googled Homestuck.
I’ve been into Homestuck for so many years that my brother remembers me talking about it way back when he was in high school. He’s in his mid-twenties now.
I’ve been into Homestuck for so many years that my brother remembers me talking about it way back when he was in high school. He’s in his mid-twenties now.
- AutisticTussler
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Re: How did you get introduced to Homestuck?
I'm pretty sure I was first introduced to it via [S] Gamzee: Sing a song about things. after that, I watched a few more videos without context and I stopped. Fast forward to May 2022. I suddenly get an influx of Homestuck content on my TikTok FYP. after that I get intrigued and read Homestuck. 3 months later, I'm on page 6453.
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- contrabandToxicant
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Re: How did you get introduced to Homestuck?
Massive nagging from friends LOL! I read some of Act 1 back in school in like 2014 but I couldn't get into it. Came back several months ago and I've gotten well into Act 5 now!
- compassionateCrafter
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Re: How did you get introduced to Homestuck?
there was this fucking parody of gentleman by psy. with gamzee. this is the few artifacts of the song from it i can find:
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Re: How did you get introduced to Homestuck?
a good friend of mine told me about it back in 2012
- temporalWitch
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Re: How did you get introduced to Homestuck?
My brothers ex girlfriend
We were talking about songs that we liked, and she put "Everything at once" (specifically a pmv about fandoms), she then started talking about how she used to be obsessed with one of the things presented in the video, this thing being Homestuck lol
We were talking about songs that we liked, and she put "Everything at once" (specifically a pmv about fandoms), she then started talking about how she used to be obsessed with one of the things presented in the video, this thing being Homestuck lol

- ForkOfSpoon
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Re: How did you get introduced to Homestuck?
tumblr brought me to neocities... neocities brought me to spacehey, and one day i just decided "yeah sure homestuck seems cool and i have nothing else to do i'll go read it"