That rubbed me the wrong way as a (mostly) archival reader who has a huge chip on the shoulder with A6. On top of starting over fresh the four kids had even less depth to them than the original. I didn't particularly like Calliope, I enjoyed Caliborn as the replacement villain ENTIRELY because he wasn't a void of personality. Conflicts and problems generated but between the trolls and likewise the Harleybert ship and that was i n t e r e s t i n g and dumb Beforus trolls aside the whole dreambubble subplot with Vriska and Aranea was really engaging for me to read too.calamityCons wrote: ↑Sat Nov 16, 2019 11:53 pmThat comment sounds like strawmanning the people who fell off the wagon in Act 6. I mean, my main contention was that the Act started with new characters when I had been under the impression that the story was gearing up for the ending with Cascade as the climax. The new characters didn't appeal to me and I just didn't want to put up with new people NOW of all times. That the story surrounding the Alpha Kids was introduced with a plot so similar to a Harem Anime wherein all three of the other kids just wanted to kiss Jake on the mouth when Jake has nothing of interest going on for him whatsoever? I was NOT in the mood for that after the cosmic spectacle and tearful exits of Cascade.MorganMustDie wrote: ↑Sat Nov 16, 2019 11:49 pmExtra this, especially after Kate's comment that the people who disliked Act 6 just wanted to "make Homestuck straight again," rather than disliking it for the myriad of weird writing changes and general plot-directionlessnessegg wrote: ↑Sat Nov 16, 2019 11:42 pmMy main hope is that Dirk doesn't just end up being a strawman for people who didn't like Homestuck post-Act 6, as it could very well head that way. It would honestly seem pretty crappy if they were just like "hey remember this thing that made all of you upset? well you're not valid for being upset"
I mean for god's sakes I was trying to process that all the Exiles except PM and WV were dead, and that Spades Slick tragically succumbed to his own flaws and killed the universe, AND trying to process that all the four Kids are God Tier now and JESUS you have no clue how many emotions I was riding. You expect me to give a shit about some newfangled kids whose biggest problem was they all had a crush on the same guy???
It quite literally all falls apart with the Retcon, I hate everything after it. I hate Dave and Karkat's chemistry disappears as they become a couple. I hate Karezi died and because of all the damn setup in the early acts is too solid to deconstruct naturally it's having its grave constantly pissed on. I hate that Davesprite stops being a character. I hate that Vriska's character development stops and gets a hard reset to the point of being a huge god damn bitch again. I hate that Terezi bootlicks Vriska and nobody offers any resistance to her, not even Rose who I'd have thought would have major personality conflicts with her. I hate that everyone is so damn cruel to Jake for being a slow moron who can't read Jane for shit and Jane just gets a pie thrown in her face for being a bad person. I hate that Dave has an honest to god talk about how Bro was abusive when in the early acts this all was played as an actual damn joke and Davesprite never has the same damn hangups of him. AND ESPECIALLY: