flyingIncandecent posted at [ 9:37pm ] on [ Feb 21, 2020 ], from [ Fungi City, Region of Parties and Boardgames ]
TOPIC: new phone whose dis
I hαve some bαd news for you.
You αre going to die.
Your friends αre αll going to die.
Your fαmily is going to die.
Theior fαmilies αre going to die.
Everyone you've ever met is going to die.
This gαme is much more thαn just α gαme. In fαct, it's reαlly only cαlled α gαme becαuse thαt's how it's presented. The events which αre fαted to proceed merely use the gαme αs α cαtαlyst to initiαte, but hαve αlwαys been destined to occur regαrdless. If you decide not to plαy, it will not prevent the inevitαble from hαppening.
The gαme hαs α 100% deαth rαte, whether you plαy it or not.
Mαke peαce with this fαct, αnd you mαy just survive long enough to clαim α second chαnce αt life beyond whαtever grim fαte the gαme's dαngers mαy hαve in store for you.
As for the αttαcks, RoPαB will likely not be free of the underlings until the denizen is defeαted αt the end of the cαmpαign, αnd even then, they mαy still αppeαr in certαin locαtions, if only to not mαke it impossible to fαrm resources from them.
Thαnkfully, such αttαcks αppeαr to be locαlized to certαin αreαs αlreαdy, so αny consorts or nαtive residents αre usuαlly sαfe from αny sort of dαnger posed by them.
shinyjiggly posted at [ 17:21pm wait why am I putting am or pm here with the 18 hour system ] on [ the 86th day of the third month in the year 460... think? ], from [ New Hourglass city, Grand Desert Region ]
TOPIC: new phone whose dis
Oh come on, Rise, scaring the noob that quickly? You gotta take it slow with this kinda stuff!
Also, wow, that is a lot of bread. I wonder if I still have my old captchalogue code lists from way back when.
...all I could find was the code for multi-purpose flour. (It's mlt1pRPs if you were wondering)
I hope you really like bread, I guess??