I've found myself falling face first into Sonic the Hedgehog again, and the thought crossed my mind to try and tackle this so, here goes!
EDIT: some colors have been changed for readability, lemme know if any of them are still too difficult to read.
Sonic the Hedgehog (video game series)
Buckle up bitches we got a wall of text incoming
Sonic the Hedgehog -
Knight of Breath - Literally stated to be the Knight of the Wind in Sonic and the Black Knight, it could not be any more obvious. A defender of innocence, connects together a wide and disparate collection of friends from around the world, and likes to be free.
Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik -
Bard of Life - Eggman is a driving force in the story of Sonic the Hedgehog's video games. Basically everything that happens in that world is because of Eggman being a fucking moron, and he's definitely good at being a lovable, approachable clown in spite of his efforts to build a theme park inadvertently "inviting the destruction of" the natural world all around him.
Miles "Tails" Prower -
Page of Mind - Tails has always had a narrative throughline of wanting to prove himself to the people around him, to be a hero like Sonic is. To reach that goal, he has pursued engineering and technology. He's even got the deal of "wanting to improve himself and reach his potential but others are blind to the worth in him" deal, like Tavros and Jake got from everyone around them. Only in Tails' case, he was lucky enough to befriend Sonic and, through their nurturing and healthy relationship, Tails has successfully reached the Crazy Potential

that Pages are said to achieve when given love and care.
Knuckles the Echidna -
Mage of Light - He is the last of his kind, fiercely driven to keep his culture alive. He plunders his island with all of the ancient knowledge of the Echidnas who built some crazy shit 4000 years ago, including weapons of mass destruction and such. There is only one left, and he's been given the duty of protecting the Master Emerald, which he never hesitates to do whatever it takes to accomplish.
Amy Rose -
Maid of Hope - Despite her superpower essentially being the Heart Beat Down, and she's strong enough to pick up the Piko Piko Hammer which is canonically super fucking heavy, her actions throughout her appearances have very little to do with Homestuck-flavored heart as an aspect. She actively and persistently makes changes to the world around her through he people she meets, influencing them in positive ways to create better versions of themselves. She opened the eyes of E-102 Gamma, she touched the heart of Shadow the Hedgehog, she supported and encouraged Cream to become a hero. Everything about her is positively influencing the world around her.
Metal Sonic -
Heir of Rage - Created deliberately to inherit the traits of Sonic the Hedgehog, as well as developing a method to copy the data of other heroes to upgrade himself. And he is so fucking pissed that Sonic the Hedgehog exists. HE is the Real Sonic, goddamnit, and he'll PROVE IT by DESTROYING THE LITTLE PLANET. Plays into the whole concept of Rage being Truth: Metal wants to prove that HIS reality is the true one.
Vector the Crocodile - Rogue of Light - He pursues and "steals" the information and wisdom of the world for his clients, which he expects payment from in return. However, he is also inherently kind hearted and determined to deliver goods to the people, Robin Hood style, sometimes doing jobs for free (which is probably why the Chaotix are always broke as fuck).
Espio the Chameleon - Sylph of Void - He can turn invisible, and he's dedicated to helping others. Even if he thinks it's a really fucking stupid idea, he's too passive to actually try to stop whatever nonsense is going on, much like how Kanaya and Aranea are often seen doing jack shit.
Charmy Bee - Maid of Breath - An absolute buffoon of a baby bee boy. He is impossible to tie down and keep still, hyperactive and bee brained, and a lover of entertainment. He uses his abilities to help others out, but he also has a habit of copying Vector's mannerisms.
Mighty the Armadillo - Knight of Hope - The majority of his personality has to be drawn from his comics incarnation, which is a warm, loving, and protective guardian figure to Ray the Flying Squirrel, and also, he is super strong and laser-focused on protecting his friend.
Ray the Flying Squirrel - Seer of Blood - Literally everything about him relies on him seeking out and understanding basically his only friend, Mighty the Armadillo. When Mighty went missing he went looking for him for a very long time and didn't see him again until Sonic Mania Plus.
Chaos, God of Destruction - Prince of Life - When he is not pissed the fuck off, he's the kindest, gentlest, most harmless being in the world. If you hurt the things he cares about, he goes fucking bananas with rage and drowned an entire fucking city, my dudes.
E-102 Gamma - Mage of Doom - Deeply pained and remorseful of the suffering around him, he liberates all of his brethren and later himself in the name of doing the right thing and ending the pain for everyone.
Big the Cat - Page of Void - Big has no idea what the fuck is ever going on. He has no thoughts, his head is empty. He is utterly surrounded by forces he does not understand and he usually doesn't feel bothered by it because as long as he's with his best friend Froggy and can fish for dinner, he's really happy.
Tikal the Echidna - Thief of Rage - She does everything in her power to keep the dangerous Chaos away from reality, in spite of it not actually solving the problem and only kicking the can down the way for the next generations. She has her heart in the right place, but she has the wrong idea of how to fix the problem, much like canon thieves.
Shadow the Hedgehog - Maid of Heart - Shadow is an incredibly complex person, a creature of immense superpowers and limitless potential. Depending on where he decides is the best place to go, what course of action will be the best in the long run, he will dedicate everything of himself to it. He throws himself into everything he decides to do, you just have to convince him that it's a good idea. He gives himself fully to the most convincing influence, including the villainous ones. And ultimately, he chooses to serve himself, and do what he wants to do because he wants to, not because of the demands made by the people around him. His identity crisis and fascination with understanding who he is and how he can live his best life is an enormous part of his development. Not gonna lie, he was a LOT easier to classpect than I thought it would be.
Rouge the Bat - Thief of Space - "All the world's gems are MINE!" But alongside that, she has an incredibly calculating demeanor and is incredibly flirtatious with the express purpose of getting what she wants. This demeanor fits very well with the Space aspect as described in the Extended Zodiac: "they just choose their battles wisely, understanding that sometimes you have to let something burn to the ground in order to build it back better and stronger than before... At their best, they are steady, impartial, and creative. At their worst, they can be detached, apathetic, and vague."
Maria Robotnik - Sylph of Doom - How does one heal the literal aspect of death? A child doomed to suffer a horrible fate no matter what could be reasonably expected to fall into despair. But she doesn't. Instead, she heals the people around her, making impacts on them in a passive way, while also alleviating the doom from everyone around her as much as she can by listening to and empathizing with the Ultimate Life Form. She's fucking metal, ask me about her sometime and I could blather about her for a whole day.
E-123 Omega - Lord of Life - An absolutely preposterously strong robot of action. He has so many goddamn weapons in his arms, how does he even fit them all in there. The rockets he spews out are longer than his ENTIRE TORSO. A ruthless fighter who destroys all Eggman robots to prove he is the best, he doesn't have a tragic backstory or anything, he's just a vicious psychopath who happens to be on the side of good. Fucking incredible.
Cream the Rabbit - Witch of Hope - A child usually restricted from doing her best work due to her home life much like the canonical Witches we see (Jade, Damara, Feferi are all basically trapped by their home situation). Also, she's an incredible source of hope and joy to everyone around her, all the time, forever, and she's incredibly competent for a six year old.
Emerl/Gemerl the Gizoid - Heir of Heart - He absorbs the strength of others, adopts their mannerisms and desires, until he eventually overloads with power and loses his self entirely, much like John can turn into the wind and stop being a corporeal form for a bit.
Blaze the Cat - Knight of Space - She is a protector of her reality, her alternate dimension is reliant on the Sol Emeralds to exist and she has them all as part of her job. She's very closed off and has an aloof personality at first, but once you get to know her you learn that she's just a person like everyone else. Another knight out there who needs to be more confident in themselves, eh?
Silver the Hedgehog - Sylph of Time - Everything Silver ever did was for the sake of healing the timeline, fixing the horrors of Iblis, or the War against Eggman and Infinite, and anything else that might need fixing to preserve the Good Future. He's kind of a dummy though, and ultimately makes more of an abstract, indirect influence on the timeline rather than forcibly moving things into place or anything.
Infinite the Jackal - Lord of Mind - His main power is the ability to thrust people into delusional realities where everything is absolutely wrong, gunning for them, overwhelming them with their worst fears and forcing them to face their equals. He relishes in destruction and is a thin-skinned egomaniac who simply loves causing destruction and tormenting people for his own amusement. He doesn't just like causing pain, he likes KNOWING who he is hurting, so that he can hurt them where he knows they will hurt the most.
I think that's enough for me today. If people want me to continue delivering classpects for Sonic characters lemme know.