Optimistic duelist and Xamag are no longer directors

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Optimistic duelist and Xamag are no longer directors

Post by thorondraco » Wed May 20, 2020 1:37 am

From the title though it appears that they weren't fired or anything and left on their own terms. Xamag seems to still be an art contributor.
Emeritus is when someone retires amicably but retains their title in an honorary sense. Could simply be that they had personal reasons for it or didn't have time for it anymore.

In terms of them being silent... I think these guys like keeping things at a bit of a distance and keep things private. They simply gave credits for xamag and duelist, implied that this is an amicable situation perhaps. But they keep things private in the end.

It creates a bit of distance but i feel a lot of the time people forget that peeps are peeps. If someone who knew andrew hussie and loved his work, met him in real life it would get pretty awkward. If someone who had no idea what a homestuck was, they would just say 'hello' and move on, maybe chat with him over the metaphorical water cooler.

Though i wish they would give more info about some of the production type stuff going on, think we should give them some space. Xamag is still working with them, jsut not on directing, and all implications is that its amicable. Even if we want to know why, we are just peeps watching their works, not their friends and family.

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Re: Optimistic duelist and Xamag are no longer directors

Post by thorondraco » Wed May 20, 2020 3:22 am

Generalrabogolfo wrote:
Wed May 20, 2020 3:15 am
Mod Edit: Don't be rude, General
It seems like Xamag was getting ready t o step out. Got a new head artist, now he is jsut a support artist rather than the one directing it all. And the term used implies it was amicable ultimately rather than someone being fired or anything.

Aka, insane laughter isn't exactly an... accurate means of doing it.

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Re: Optimistic duelist and Xamag are no longer directors

Post by pfeffer-29 » Wed May 20, 2020 8:33 am

Forgive me for being ill-informed, but what did OD do?
you can pry karezi out of my cold dead hands

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Re: Optimistic duelist and Xamag are no longer directors

Post by Generalrabogolfo » Wed May 20, 2020 9:50 am

pfeffer-29 wrote:
Wed May 20, 2020 8:33 am
Forgive me for being ill-informed, but what did OD do?
iirc he wrote the jakedirk parts.

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Re: Optimistic duelist and Xamag are no longer directors

Post by overThinker » Wed May 20, 2020 10:00 am

agh taz is my favorite of everyone on the team this sucks

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Re: Optimistic duelist and Xamag are no longer directors

Post by ZingDev » Wed May 20, 2020 11:33 am

i was never a fan of od, and kinda glad he is stepping down. he not even part of the writing team, geez...

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Re: Optimistic duelist and Xamag are no longer directors

Post by classpectanon » Wed May 20, 2020 12:14 pm

I don't see this thread being anything but a powderkeg about which writers we hate or like so I'm going to close it.
I'm more easily reached at classpectanon#4228 on Discord. I will respond to reports faster there because PHPBB's notification system is borked and doesn't email me when you report things.
