Loading this module allows you to
- connect to my very own server !
play with the Locked rule set and custom features !
chat with others on my server !
and make fond memories !
FUNerator ! ( pictured below )
I enjoy playing with my cats ( Whiskerpants and Fluffytoots ) , coding games , and my guilty pleasure is warm Yoo - Hoo !
I made the Locked [ Adventure Module ] to start my fantasy job of running my own MMO ! Unfortunately not many people are loading the module : /
A few others have loaded it , which brings me to you . WHO are you ? Or , I guess I should ask , WHO is your character ?
Before you answer , lemme give you a quick tutorial on how to input COMMANDS .
Commands are how you , The Player , communicates with me , The Funerator .
The Locked [ Adventure Module ] is coded to allow for minimum communication unless you have unlocked certain skills . You can always type , type , type away at the keyboard , but unless it ' s in the form of a maximum 20 LETTER COMMAND , I can ' t see it .
Now , if you need to troubleshoot , you can always send me an e - mail ( seen on the back of the box ) , but otherwise you ' ll have to make do !
Command structure is as follows :
> and < are ACTION COMMANDS ! This communicates to me and the game that you are doing something . Depending on what that is , the game will shoot out a response to what you did .
" are COMMUNICATE COMMANDS ! This allows you to communicate directly to me . Like I said , though, it only takes commands up to twenty letters . If you unlock a certain skill this can allow you to talk to other players , though you ' ll have to wait until you unlock that skill to learn how ; )
Now , let ' s consider your character . Humans only for now , please ! I ' m excited to release the NON - HUMAN PATCH in the future , but for now everybody ' s gotta be a plain , boring human !
To start :
What is your character ' s gender ?
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