hhhhhhhhhhhi my name is Spriteclad, and I exist.
I started reading Homestuck way way
waaaaaay back in 2009, when Act 3 was just starting up. My first page was
[S] Jade: Play a haunting flute refrain, for those of you who were wondering. I've been in the fandom close to the very beginning, and I'm not sure how to feel about that. I was 14 then, and I'm 24 now, so uh. @_@
Either way, I was still incredibly bummed when the MSPA Forums were taken down with no sign of reopening. I have been on the forums since 2010 and I've ran into so many cool projects and funny topics and meta discussion that went completely over my head. I'm still fairly salty about the whole situation, but when the hard drives become corrupted, what can you do?
I've only read HS once, but I plan to reread it one of these days (ADHD makes it hard, sadly). I like HS^2 so far and hated the epilogues so much that I couldn't finish reading them. Don't @ me. I also like Petscop a whole bunch. Please go watch it. Aaaand I also have a
website that I worked a bunch on. It has links to other cool internet sites and games, so go check it out on your own time.
I hope everyone will feel at home here, and I hope this forum eventually becomes as active as the old one! Here's to a new era of Homestuck!!