My two cents on this:
I understand the intention: They want to make Homestuck accessible and give the community some manner of authorial voice. That's noble! Homestuck started as something where the fandom was hands-on, on a forum where people were very hands on! That's good! But the execution... that kills it. It's in a separate site, dedicated solely to host the comic, as opposed to being in, I don't know, MSPFA? They could do that, come in contact with the community of people that actually make comics, get some feedback from the community.
This is what I
would say if I were a naive little bitch, which I ain't. It only takes this thread to see that the majority of the fandom is quite hostile to whatever move that the creators make. Hiveswap? Too late! Go faster! Homestuck getting a conclusion? I don't like it! Delete it! Homestuck^2? It sucks! Stop! Make something better!
This is not to say, of course, that there isn't valid and useful criticism about any of the points I used! The Epilogues weren't bad (from what I read of them, and I shan't dare speak of that which I do not fully understand), Hiveswap is in the works, and Homestuck^2 could use some constructive criticism (tweak up the rooms and the sprites, change the art style to fit a different narrative)! However, we, as the community,
must, invariably, learn how to portray ourselves in a non-hostile manner, that befits a collection of people who like something and who want a hand on it. Instead of tearing down that which we don't like, we have to build up that which we
do like.
So, to conclude: Homestuck^2 definitely needs some polish, but I also believe that it deserves
help. Help from us, the community. Help that can only come the moment we decide to not slander and harass the creators and actually try to help and create. Homestuck^2 shows a lot of promise! It has multiple, very good writers, Xamag (an artist whose skill I can't fully describe with my limited vocabulary) doing the art, and Andrew himself, of course, writing the outline. The future is made, not written, so let's make it good.
Post-scriptum: Before I get accused of siding with WP et alii on this, I'd like to state this: If they
truly wanted the community to have a hand in creating Homestuck, then they should make Homestuck public domain.
Postquam-post-scriptum: Y'all talk about gender way too much, yo.