Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by artisticAnarchist » Fri Jun 16, 2023 11:55 pm

hi! im tetra/zara, 16 years old prospit knight of hope
i finished homestuck last year but only decided to actually join the fandom like. this month
also i am completely new to forums so theres that
anyway besides hs i like making art (traditional and digital) and currently learning to play the guitar, though not much else besides that
i believe thats all for now, i shall return to lurking :olliesouty: :olliesouty:

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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by Cattafang » Mon Jul 24, 2023 2:53 pm

hello there! i’m catch. :kitty: i’ve been into homestuck for a few years, recently got fixated again and stumbled upon this forum while looking around for art studies. no clue what my classpect is anymore, if i had to take a stab at it i would probably be the seer of something (every time i take the official quiz i get a different aspect, usually either space, light, life, or hope). i also just started re-reading it yesterday since it’s been over 3 years since i finished it the first time (found it around late 2018, finished early 2020 if memory serves me correctly).

i mostly like to draw. occasionally i write and animate as well. very occasionally i dabble in music and coding (though i wouldn’t say i’m good at either of those things). i’ve had thoughts of making a fanadventure combining hs with another, more obscure, fixation of mine recently. no clue if i’ll go through with it though.

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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by candyboxChaos » Thu Sep 14, 2023 1:05 pm

Hi!! I'm candyboxChaos, but yall can call me Candy! My pronouns are any except she/it :)) I joined this fandom last year and I've been lurking, but this place seems neat :DD

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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by BattleblockB0ss » Fri Sep 15, 2023 1:51 pm

Hello !! I'm BattleblockB0ss, but you can call me your new dad :cool:. I use all pronouns. I've been in the Homestuck fandom since ~2020/2021, and have since dipped into a wide variety of different fandom projects. I run a community for Homestucks in California named Calibornia Homestucks, and often appear on cosplay panels with members from this group. I'm working on an archive for IRL Homestuck groups of history called The Homestuck Green Pages (working title). I'm also in the process of a variety of other Homestuck archival projects, and cosplay quite often. Nice to meet you all!


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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by aquared » Wed Nov 29, 2023 5:41 pm

hi ! i’m aquared ( people usually call me aqua ,) i have no idea how any of this works but i’m here now despite my better judgement in noticing this place is clearly very dead :chummy: ! i like to draw , that’s kind of my thing that’s all i do . hmm . yeah
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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by baseybol » Fri Dec 01, 2023 2:16 pm

oh wow i should have probably looked for an intro thread before

so yeah, my name is kacy, she/her. made this account a long time ago when i first found this forum, but only recently have tried being more active in it, been getting pretty decent at art lately, thats cool, i also have written too much fansession fanfiction, which i should probably rectify with some actual homestuck at one point. the only reason i havent made more threads is cause im afraid it might upset the balance of the cosmos

i also got a folder of cat reaction images. on my puter
what the sneef... it snorfing here :nepball:


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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by tentacleTherapist » Sun Dec 31, 2023 5:08 am

Oh my gods. I can be this forum's Rose. She is me. I don't care if this place is as dead as a doorknob. Someone had to do it.

I read Homestuck in 2020 to learn about this piece of media that my girlfriend loved, and since then I have mostly enjoyed it with friends rather than as part of the fandom proper. My age is old enough to know better than to do this shtick, but old enough that I won't let that stop me.

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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by princeofThelustful » Sun Dec 31, 2023 7:43 pm

Greetings, You may call me Either Prince or Sam And i go by He/it along with Neo pronouns! I have known about homestuck since mid 2022 and have been cursed with it since! If you cant tell by my username and themeing, im also a ultrakill fan! I do voice acting, Writing, Drawing and spriting, and occasional Coding! I dearly hope we can get along!♥︎
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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by arvoConfines » Sat Jan 06, 2024 8:58 pm

hi! i'm sarah, i'm 23. i read homestuck in 2016 after getting phemiec's song "mary" recommended to me through a lyric video (it scared me @ the time, and i wanted to understand what it was referencing.) i've not been super involved in the fandom besides posting a couple art things and using pesterchum sometimes. i would like to change that so!! yeah!! we'll see!!! :jadesob:

happy late new year!

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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by gardenAgnostic » Sat Jan 13, 2024 7:34 pm

forgot to make this lol. hi! im jade! im a prospit mage of mind aro lesbian!
you might recognize my handle from the mspfa discord, and i AM that guy!!
im a HUGE theatre kid btw

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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by ForkOfSpoon » Mon Jan 15, 2024 6:56 pm

hello! im quite stupid!

i made this account like months ago and haven't touched the forums since... that will possibly change! possibly
i'm a webmaster and generally forgetful. adhd does that to you i htink
also i'm currently rereading homestuck!! it's been like a year so hold on for a second while i remember basically everything about the story

i got into mspaint adventures in the first place because one day early 2023 i had absolutely nothing better to do and just thought "wow homestuck is a thing i could read right. i should read that" and here we are a year later. i still have yet to read bard quest

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okay. second time's the charm for everything made in php. right?

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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by wanderguy » Sat Jan 27, 2024 3:00 pm

Hello, I'm just some wandering guy.

Homestuck since its start, Problem Sleuth before then. Still waiting on Nepetaquest or a valid Bard's.

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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by leafsquire » Fri Feb 09, 2024 1:35 am

hello! i'm theo, 25 years old, and got into homestuck around 2011

i'm a classpecter who says i hate homestuck
what i really mean is i love homestuck but the epilogues and homestuck 2 made me sad

hoping this forum is a little bit active because i would love to chat with people about god tiers!!

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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by nepeta » Sat Feb 10, 2024 3:43 pm

hi, my name is xander:3 i became a homestuck fan in 2010 :') and I really really love it
-lets go buckets!!! ahhhhh

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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by tactiletelekonesis » Mon Feb 12, 2024 4:40 am

hiiii I’m Kon, I’m 27 and I’ve been a fan of homestuck since it first came out but I’m only just now getting involved in the fandom. I’m hoping to make more friends who like homestuck! :chummy:

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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by Aeroplane » Sat Mar 02, 2024 8:30 pm

I am Aeroplane.
Jeff Mangum is my Jesus.
I am not afraid to be schizophrenic about it either.

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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by boldenedParadiso » Fri Mar 08, 2024 5:03 pm

Hello party people!
I'm boldenedParadiso, a funky little man whose here to have a fun time!

I'm currently 19 years old and I've been a part of the Homestuck fandom for a while as mostly a lurker. Im trying to finally broaden my horizons a little bit and reach out to some fellow weirdos like me!
Some of my interests including:
:mutie: Making my own music
:mutie: Playing all kinds of video games
:mutie: Writing poetry and fanfiction
:mutie: doing heinously mysterious acts in the middle of cold, stormy nights in the Picardy region of France dressed like a butler because I can :3

Cheers to you all!
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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by birdBurglar » Tue Mar 12, 2024 2:43 pm

hi yall u can call me bird! im 23 and ive been a homestuck since... god. probably a decade ago. i got into it in middle school and i havent escaped since. only properly finished reading it in the past couple months though, finally breaking the tradition of never finishing the comic... blasphemy ik

i havent really been an active member in the community until now tho. did some fantroll stuff back around 2016 but otherwise never engaged aside from leaving notes on the occasional tumblr post. i figured now was as good a time as any to start so here i am!!

im a nerd and im into all sorts of stuff but its kinda like, too much to list? i play a lot of video games, some current faves r (quite heavily modded) skyrim, deep rock galactic, sorta hyperfixated currently on scp secret lab. terraria has a permanent spot in my list. oh and the og spyro trilogy, especially the first game, r my all time favs... its gonna be hard to top them


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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by trueBug » Tue Mar 26, 2024 1:01 pm

Yo, I was in the MSPA forums back in 2012 or so, and spent a lot of time hanging around in the forum adventures subforum. I encountered some complicated health issues that prevented me from participating in any kind of community shit for a long time, but now I have gotten my groove back and was delighted to see this forum is around. I've really missed spaces like this!

I am now on a quest to make every fantroll canon. Wish me luck. :cal:

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Re: Introductions Thread: A Brave New World

Post by bored_sleuth » Sun Apr 07, 2024 7:41 pm

hello! my name is flesh! you can also call me meulin! i'm an homestuck artist who mostly focuses on the biological aspects of homestuck and the act 3 intermission, i really like problem sleuth, and lotsa mspfas :kitty: if your interested in talking to me, don't be afraid to pm me!
:candy: this user has made exactly 790 fantrolls and counting on the farragofiction dollsim :candy:

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